thank you for being a friend

Many concepts change through time, what’s right and wrong, what to do, what not to do, love, hate… However one of these concepts that transforms – and why not adapts, the most over time is friendship. 

In kindergarten, a friend is the one who protects you and lends you his/her brand new blue crayon; in High School is the one who understands you and is always by your side; in College he assists you and share experiences with you. Nonetheless they all have an unique feature, that’s no matter what fase you’re in, a friend always helps. 

You’ve got a friend in me. 

Friends drink together, have dinner together, party together, laugh together, fight together, but above all, friends hold hands without judging or second intentions. Friends are not always there for you but when they are, you will never be alone. Besides, as happiness you can find friendship in a lot of strange places, but it’s not because it’s strange that is worthless. 

You can be stuck in the Deadmines or trapped in Scarlet Monastery, from this moment on a beautiful friendship can blossom.

Music brings people together – as well as classic. 

The will to help, to be kind and to grow, turns every single one of us special in our own way. It doesn’t matter if you’re from New Zeland, Brazil, Australia or The U.S.A, we know that together we’re stronger, together we’re hard knockers.

Days come and go, some are good, some are bad, some are really stressful and suffocating; time is part of life and life makes us be what we are, the thing we musn’t forget however is no matter the day or the season, you will always have someone to hold your hand and wish you good morning, good afternoon or good evening, and thank you for shopping at Wallmart.